Fusion of Horizons

Tamar Tandashvili

My name is Tamar Tandashvili and I want to live in a world that treats all life forms with kindness and dignity. I am a Psychotherapist by training turned into Executive Coach and Mental Health Consultant for businesses and non-governmental institutions. When I went to school psychology as a science emphasized an interplay of human predispositions and an immediate environment in her final becoming. When I started private practice, I was taken aback with two principal surprises:
Firstly, my clients demonstrated to me how much more they embodied as consciousness bearers than assumed in the world of clinical psychology, and,
Secondly: How our cultural imagination and everyday social practices curtail their capacity for embracing the vastness of life as a human-authored creative act.
Thus, I started my journey of studying humans from disciplinary standpoints of sociology, conflict studies, anthropology and mindfulness meditation on the one hand and via working with activists, marginal groups, aid workers and big corporations and financial institutions on the other. Regardless of the unthinkable discrepancy in availability of resources every single human person of my encounter proved an agent of boundless potential. An overwhelming majority of them did not even suspect they were bearing a treasure of unlimited capacity for personal growth and sky-high achievement, for wild creativity, kindness of the heart and radical compassion.
I witnessed lots of pain and tears due to the cruelty induced by other humans; I saw people in utmost despair and complete darkness in their souls, but the most heart stopping phrase I used to hear in the office was: “If I only knew all this before…” Life Intelligence is my attempt to assemble, orchestrate and distribute knowledge to other humans with the help of which they master life as a phenomenon with much more familiarity and ease and cherish non-human forms of life with fundamental compassion and care.

Ana Agladze

I’m a change leader and a visionary operator passionate about the people. In an exponentially growing world, I believe in building Learning organizations and changing systems to adapt to a new era.
Co-Founder of Fusion of Horizons and Founder of Tag&Match. I have been operating in the corporate world for 20 years both in Georgia and Offshore. Regardless of what I have been doing from coding to restructuring Hitech companies, I always had a clearly defined axis - People come first! And every sum of portfolios or operations created by me serves to inspire and strengthen the empowerment of people. I was represented in many roles - from Product Manager to Sr. Director, PMO. I have created my own PMO (Project Management Office) departments in several companies with different, dynamic fabric, taking into account the DNA of a specific company. I am proud that in the companies, the new functions created by me still exist today and continue to grow. I have worked on quite a number of technological innovation projects throughout my career.
As a change agent, I am proud to have implemented the end-to-end transformation of several companies in terms of Agile, as well as introduced and implemented an innovative OKR system of strategic planning to manage the company axis of companies. As a manager, I have implemented many interesting projects in the design and implementation of the Roadmapping, Planning and Execution Framework in companies, where I brought the voice of the people to the forefront and laid a solid foundation for collaboration across the board. I have participated in such summits as Singularity University, Catalyst Constellations, Solving for Exponential Growth by John Hagel, etc... When describing myself, I boldly say that I am a catalyst, an agent of change and I am constantly busy in search of new inventions, with Out of the Box thinking. and by integrating complex systems such as people, processes and projects in companies.
In a VUCA world today, I believe that no human should be left behind and I aspire to put people first, empowering them to reach their true potential.

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