Our Mission: Guide individuals into shifting to higher consciousness so that we nurture and safeguard all life forms on Earth.
Our Vision: With the power of transformative platforms, empower individuals to expand horizons and enable them to seamlessly transition in a new era of personal and societal progress.
In a world where life's lessons often go unshared and collective wisdom falls short, we're the game-changers. We believe that each person's unique journey has the power to elevate us all. We once thought automation and globalization would be the defining forces of our age. But as 2020 rolled in, we found ourselves in a new Tech Era—one that requires a whole new rulebook. So, how do we gear up for this exciting, yet uncharted territory?
Our answer? Knowledge sharing. We see it as the ultimate weapon to tackle humanity's most daunting challenges. Working together, we'll tap into each other's potential, building a future where knowledge flows freely and our collective spirit soars. Come join us on this remarkable quest for a smarter, more harmonious world.
There were times when living a more or less desirable life required far less science generated knowledge and little deliberate focus if any at all. The very fabric of a community and the experiences narrated and observed within a social milieu were mostly sufficient for comprehending the phenomenon and navigating a human path of varied success and failure. Despite a plethora of updates brought to this existential game by revolutionaries of thought and their followers, the backbone of the basic knowledge on life proved solid and applicable throughout generations. Simply, there was a historical continuity accommodating social and cultural progress within the notion of shared understanding.
Globalization and unparalleled technological breakthroughs undermined the viability of a commonly shared conception of life well lived and went as far as suggesting that the sole authorship of our life path lies within our very hands (the idea inconceivable not only to our parents and grandparents but even to ourselves a decade before).
This seemingly liberating philosophy of existence has a facet that if not addressed properly can place us in the state of numbness and helplessness. Unparalleled range of choices we humans enjoy today demands a constant update of our knowledge, skills and daily performance on the aspects of Self, relationships, communication, strategies in professional and personal lives, growth, cohabitation and sustainability. By the force of exponentially updated expertise in all disciplines we have no alternative but to become knowledge gluttons and flexibility virtuosos in the attempt of adapting to constantly changing reality.
Life Intelligence is a concept coined by our team signifying a parcel of philosophy and mindsets, knowledge, skills and toolsets imperative for both surviving and thriving in our era. Life Intelligence consists of 6 conceptual components: Self Intelligence, Relational Intelligence, World Intelligence, Philosophy of Life, Poetry of Life and Work Intelligence. Each of these constituents stands for an indispensable bundle of knowledge and skills that our company - Fusion of Horizons - aims to orchestrate, transmit and integrate into the lives of fellow humans.